Exhibitor Prospectus for Imaging in Israel 2017
Dear Industry Partner:
Global Radiology CME is proud to produce this premiere educational course. The conference will be held at the iconic, Dan Tel Aviv Hotel, on Monday, June 5 - Thursday, June 8, 2017.
Phillip Tirman, accomplished author, musculoskeletal MRI authority, and engaging speaker will be the Director of Scientific Program, heading up a scientific faculty of internationally renowned radiology luminaries including Donald Resnick, László Tabár, Neil Rofsky, Philippe Grenier and Blake A. Johnson. Local experts from Israel, including Jacob Sosna- the Chairman of Radiology at Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Tamar Sella- the Director of The Marlene Greenebaum Multidisciplinary Breast Center at Hadassah Medical Center, and Orly Goitein- the Director of Cardiac Imaging at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv will also present lectures.
Strong corporate involvement will help to make the Imaging in Israel - 2017 course successful and we are extremely grateful for your support. Global Radiology CME is pleased to provide multiple ways for your organization to be involved in the upcoming event. The variety of promotional opportunities allows for different ways to maximize your visibility and be part of a great educational experience.
We expect meeting attendance to be 99% physicians, mostly radiologists. We are proud to announce that as of May 25, 2017 there are over 200 registrants from all over the world including Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States of America. Many of the attendees are important decision-makers such as Hospital Radiology Department heads, modality section heads, or partners in private practice groups.
You are invited to be part of a cutting edge educational program, and have excellent one on one networking opportunities with Radiology decision makers and leaders. Showcase your company to radiologists from around the world by supporting radiology education.

Who is Attending?
We have registrants from:
Australia, Austria, Canada, China,
Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary,
India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel,
Lithuania, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Africa,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the USA.

Who is coming from Israel?
We have registrants all the way from Nahariya to Be'er Sheva:
Assaf Harofeh MC, Assuta MC, Barzilai MC, Bnei Zion MC, Carmel MC, Clalit, Emek MC, Galilee MC, Hadassah MC, Hala Breast Clinic, Herzliya MC, Hillel Yaffe MC, International Teleradiology Corporation, Kulpat Holim Meuhedet, Laniado Hospital, Maccabi Medical Care, Mayanei Hayeshua MC, Meir MC, Mor Institute for Medical Data, ProScan Reading Services, Rabin MC - Beilinson, Rabin MC - Hasharon, Rambam Health Care Campus, Remote Radiology, Shaare Zedek MC, Sheba MC, Soroka MC, Tel Aviv Sourasky MC, Teleradiology Solutions, Wolfson MC, and Ziv Medical Center.
Click here to download the Exhibitor Prospectus for Imaging in Israel 2017
For more information, contact:
Natalie Rice
toll free at: 844-4-RADCME | 844-472-3263 Option 2
email at: natalie.rice@globalradcme.com
$10,000 Platinum (2 Opportunities)
Platinum sponsors have the option of choosing one of the support items below or may contact Global Radiology CME to discuss other options.
Non CME dinner symposium or focus group (F&B/AV not included). Attendance limited - call for details.
Non CME lunch symposium or focus group (F&B/AV not included). Attendance limited - call for details.
Printed marketing piece (provided by vendor) distributed to attendees at registration.
Exhibitor space.
Signage at event.
Pre-conference registration list (One time use – email addresses only).
Post-conference registration list (One time use – email addresses only).
Pre-registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Post-conference registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Recognition and link on the Global Radiology CME website.
Acknowledgement with company logo on our coffee break slide presentation.
Publicity in pre-conference e-mail communication to all participants.
Complimentary entrance for 6 representatives to attend our registration reception held in the exhibit area.
Four (4) non CME registrations.
$7500 Gold (2 Opportunities)
Gold sponsors have the option of choosing one of the support items below or may contact Global Radiology CME to discuss other options.
Company sponsored morning coffee breaks for registrants for 3 days (Global Radiology CME menu choice) (1 opportunity).
Company sponsored afternoon coffee breaks for registrants for 3 days (Global Radiology CME menu choice) (1 opportunity).
Printed marketing piece (provided by vendor) distributed to attendees at registration.
Exhibitor space.
Signage at event.
Pre-conference registration list (One time use – email addresses only).
Post-conference registration list (One time use – email addresses only).
Pre-registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Post-conference registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Recognition and link on the Global Radiology CME website.
Acknowledgement with company logo on our coffee break slide presentation.
Publicity in pre-conference e-mail communication to all participants.
Complimentary entrance for 4 representatives to attend our registration reception held in the exhibit area
Two (2) non CME registrations.
$5000 Silver (2 Opportunities)
Silver sponsors have the option of choosing the support item below or may contact Global Radiology CME to discuss other options.
Registration Reception (F&B not included).
Printed marketing piece (provided by vendor) distributed to attendees at registration.
Exhibitor space.
Signage at event.
Pre-registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Post-conference registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Recognition and link on the Global Radiology CME website.
Acknowledgement with company logo on our coffee break slide presentation.
Publicity in pre-conference e-mail communication to all participants.
Complimentary entrance for 2 representatives to attend our registration reception held in the exhibit area.
Two (2) non CME registrations.
Printed marketing piece (provided by vendor) distributed to attendees at Registration $400.
Banner ad on meeting website $500.
Hotel guestroom keycards (Attendee hotel keycard with your company’s name imprinted on it) $1,000.
Door drop at hotel $700.
Charging station with signage $500.
OTHER OPPORTUNITIES (call for pricing)
Banner advertisements.
Hand sanitizer kiosk.
C0nference briefcase.
Conference badges.
Notepads and pens.
If there is something that your company would like to sponsor but it is not listed, please contact:
Natalie Rice
toll free at: 844-4-RADCME | 844-472-3263 Option 2
email at: natalie.rice@globalradcme.com
We will work with you to create the opportunity that works best for your company.
Companies that do not wish to purchase a sponsorship but wish to display their products or equipment can purchase exhibit space.
$1800 Exhibitor Space (12 opportunities)
The exhibit space fee includes:
2 x 3 meter exhibition space.
Skirted table.
2 Chairs.
Electricity and internet access.
Listing for 11 months in the Global Radiology CME online exhibitor directory.
Listing in Exhibitor Directory with company description and contact information.
Pre-registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Post-conference registration list – one time use only for mailing addresses (As an alternative, Global Radiology CME will send email blast).
Recognition and link on the Global Radiology CME website.
Acknowledgement with company logo on our coffee break slide presentation.
Two (2) non CME registrations.