
Clario zVision • How to Change Reading Queue Sorting
If you order cases by "Time Remaining" it will make for a more efficient radiology group. Clario zVision does not always load the oldest...

Clario zVision • How to Re-assign a Case While in Auto-Next Mode
In order to efficiently get through the cases, you need to work in auto-next mode. But, what if a case that needs to be assigned to...

Radiology CME on Twitter and Social Media
@GlobalRadCME and @KevinRiceMD are posting Free Open Access Medical education for radiology which is also known as #FOAMrad on Twitter....

Perforated Acute Appendicitis with Percutaneous Abscess Drainage
Pre drain images showing RLQ abscess and appendicolith. Video of the drainage procedure. This was done with the patient prone, but I...

Top Ten Myths About Mammography
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year, more than 40,000 women will die from breast cancer. Early detection could...