
Grace Rubin Co-Authors Paper First Seen at Global Radiology CME Congress in Prague
Global Radiology wishes to congratulate Dr. Grace Rubin on the publication of the paper: Imaging and clinical features of breast...

Prof. John Thornton to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
PROF. JOHN THORNTON MB Bch BAO FRCSI FRCR FFRRCSI Prof. John Thornton is a Consultant Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiologist in...

Donald Resnick - MSK Radiology Legend Presenting at Imaging in Dublin 2022
"I look forward to the meeting and traveling to Dublin." - Donald Resnick, MD, FACR Global Radiology CME is honored to have ACR Gold...

Dr. James Meaney to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
James Meaney FRCP, FFR RCSI, FRCPI is a Radiologist at St. James’s Hospital and a Clinical Professor in Trinity College Dublin. After...

Dr. Martina Morrin to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
Dr. Martina Morrin FFR RCSI, FRCR is a Consultant Radiologist in Beaumont Hospital Dublin. She trained in Radiology at the Mater...

Dr. Sylvia O'Keeffe to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
Dr O’Keeffe MB, MRCP(UK), FFR RCSI, FRCR (UK) is a consultant radiologist in St James’s Hospital Dublin since 2010. She completed her...

Dr. Niall Sheehy to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
Global Radiology CME is pleased to announce Niall Sheehy, FFR RCSIwill be speaking at this year's Global Radiology CME course in Dublin,...

Dr. Ella Kazerooni to Speak on Cardiothoracic Radiology at Imaging in Dublin 2020
Global Radiology CME is honored to announce Ella Kazerooni,MD will be speaking at this year's Global Radiology CME course in Dublin,...

Global Radiology Award Winners for Imaging in Prague 2019
•Victor Teng - Flexion MRI in Hirayama Disease
•Grace Rubin - Breast Tuberculosis
•Junsiyuan Li - Fibrolipomatous Hamartoma of the Median Ne

Dr. Neil Rofsky Semifinalist for 2019 Aunt Most Effective Radiology Educator
Global Radiology CME congratulates Dr. Neil Rofsky, MD Scientific Program Director for Global Radiology CME' Imaging in Ireland 2020, for...