
Retrograde Flow in the Left Ophthalmic Artery
Transient Left Eye Blindness after Exercise • Xray of the Week 73 year old male with a history of left eye blindness after exercise had a ca

Dr. Kevin Rice: Semifinalist for 2016's Most Effective Radiology Educator
We are pleased to announce Global Radiology CME's Kevin Rice, MD is a semifinalist for 2016's Most Effective Radiology...

Medical Imaging App Figure 1 Features Dr. Kevin Rice
We are pleased to announce Global Radiology CME's Kevin Rice, MD was featured as a Figure 1 on 1 Fellow on April 29, 2016. Dr. Kevin...

Juvenile Papillomatosis (Swiss Cheese Disease) of the Breast
Juvenile papillomatosis is a rare benign proliferative breast process which occurs in women with a mean age of 19-23 and is rare

Xray of the Week 2016 • 52 cases in less than 5 minutes
Here's all my 2016 cases in one quick video: Kevin Rice, MD serves as the Chair of the Radiology Department of Valley Presbyterian...

Ileo-Colic Intussusception
6 Month Old with Abdominal Pain • Xray of the Week History: There was a baby from Cali, who had a pain in his belly. For a BE, it's time;...

Gastric Volvulus
Abdominal Pain and Distension • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #51 An 83 year old female with multiple comorbidities presented to the...

Intratesticular varicocele
Left Scrotal Pain in 64M • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #50 This 64 year old male presented with left scrotal pain. There is a history of...

How to Add Scrollable CT or MRI Images to a PowerPoint Slide
Radiology PowerPoint Tip • Xray of the Week • Week #49 Have you ever wondered how to get a scrollable image stack of CT or MR images on a...

Baxter Neuropathy with Chronic Plantar Fasciosis
Chronic Heel Pain in 60F • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #48 This 60 year old female has chronic heel pain and lateral heel numbness. What...