
Percutaneous Renal Abscess Drainage
Diabetes and urosepsis. What procedure is indicated? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Axial CT image of the abdomen with contrast shows right...

Intravesical ureterocele
Name the finding on bladder ultrasound and related complication • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Bladder ultrasound. Figure 2. Bladder...

How to Exchange a Blocked Nephrostomy Tube
Blocked Tube • Xray of the Week To prevent obstruction, it is best to exchange nephrostomy tubes every 3 months. However, long term...

VACTERL Association
Hypoxia in a Neonate • Xray of the Week What is the diagnosis? Figure 1. Frontal chest and abdomen radiographs. What is the diagnosis?...

Xray of the Week 2016 • 52 cases in less than 5 minutes
Here's all my 2016 cases in one quick video: Kevin Rice, MD serves as the Chair of the Radiology Department of Valley Presbyterian...

Intratesticular varicocele
Left Scrotal Pain in 64M • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #50 This 64 year old male presented with left scrotal pain. There is a history of...

Testicular Seminoma and Testicular Microlithiasis
Testicular mass in 40M • Xray of the Week This 40 year old male presented with a large tender right testicular mass and a left neck...

Von Hippel-Lindau (vHL) Disease
Masses in the Spine and Abdomen • Xray of the Week This 42 year old female with a history of prior craniotomy has abnormalities in the...

Fournier Gangrene
King Herod Died of this Rare Disease • Xray of the Week It is theorized that King Herod, builder of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, died...