Lens Subluxation
59-year-old male with trauma. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings? Figure 2. A: Sagittal CT image...
Left Atrial Myxoma Presenting with Splenic Infarct
66 year old female with abdominal pain. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings? Figure 2. Axial CT - A:...
Plastic Bowing Fracture Ulna
8 Year Old Male With Trauma Due To A Fall. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What is the important finding? Figure 2 A: AP view...
42 year old male with headache and history of cerebral palsy. What is the diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Head CT. What are the...
Chance fracture
Trauma in a 31 yo F due to a motor vehicle collision (MVC) • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings on this CT scan....
Lens Dislocation
A 67 year old female with trauma due to a motor vehicle collision. What is the diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Brain CT. What is...
Pediatric Optic Nerve Drusen
10 year old with right eye pain • Xray of the Week Name the condition and clinical significance. Figure 1. Axial CT scan of the orbits....
Type 2 Jefferson Fracture with Vertebral Dissection
81 F with trauma due to falling down stairs. Neck pain • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What is the important finding on this CT scan and...
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
64-year-old male with sudden onset abdominal pain and lactic acidosis. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important...
Transitional Cell Cancer with Sclerotic Bone Metastases
64 year old male presenting with painless gross hematuria, flank pain, unintentional weight loss, and lower back pain. What is the...