
Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injury
48 year old male with chest pain following a motor vehicle collision • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Name the important findings on this CXR...

Prof. John Thornton to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
PROF. JOHN THORNTON MB Bch BAO FRCSI FRCR FFRRCSI Prof. John Thornton is a Consultant Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiologist in...

Dr. James Meaney to Speak at Imaging in Dublin 2022
James Meaney FRCP, FFR RCSI, FRCPI is a Radiologist at St. James’s Hospital and a Clinical Professor in Trinity College Dublin. After...

Bilateral Breast Cancer Radiologic Pathologic Correlation
Developing architectural distortion in 68F • Xray of the Week 2017 • Week #42 This 68-year old woman was treated for an 8 mm tubular...

Ameloblastoma of the Mandible
Enlarging Left Mandibular Mass • Xray of the Week A 30 year old female presented with rapidly increasing left mandibular swelling over...

Painful Os Peroneum Syndrome (POPS)
Acute Onset Lateral Foot Pain • Xray of the Week 63 y.o. male presented with 1 hour of aching pain on the lateral aspect of the right...

Ruptured Quadriceps Tendon
Acute Onset Knee Pain • Xray of the Week A 68 year old female presenting with acute onset knee pain following crush injury of knee. What...

Juvenile Papillomatosis (Swiss Cheese Disease) of the Breast
Juvenile papillomatosis is a rare benign proliferative breast process which occurs in women with a mean age of 19-23 and is rare

Radial Scars and Invasive Breast Cancer
New Left Breast Thickening in 67F • Xray of the Week 2017 • Week #4 This 67 year old asymptomatic woman was called back from mammography...

Xray of the Week 2016 • 52 cases in less than 5 minutes
Here's all my 2016 cases in one quick video: Kevin Rice, MD serves as the Chair of the Radiology Department of Valley Presbyterian...