
Dr. Rice’s Radiography Top Ten
Radiologic technologists have an opportunity to greatly assist the radiologists by performing high quality exams. Unfortunately there is...

Inferior Hip Dislocation with Luxatio Erecta
Motorcycle Collision • Xray of the Week 23 y.o. male with left hip pain after motorcycle collision. What is the diagnosis? What to do...

Congenital Syphilis
6 Week Old Baby with Skin Rash and Bilateral Bone Abnormalities • Xray of the Week What is the diagnosis? Figure 1. Radiographs of the...

Scapholunate Advanced Collapse (SLAC Wrist)
Bilateral wrist pain • Xray of the Week 72 y.o. male presented with chronic bilateral wrist and hand pain. What is the diagnosis? Figure...

VACTERL Association
Hypoxia in a Neonate • Xray of the Week What is the diagnosis? Figure 1. Frontal chest and abdomen radiographs. What is the diagnosis?...

Tear of the Flexor Pulley of the Finger
A 47-year-old status post rock climbing injury of his finger. Now has deformity of the palmar aspect of the finger with flexion. What is...

Nail Gun Injury
Penetrating Wound to the Chest • Xray of the Week An 18 year-old presents with an injury to chest. What is the diagnosis? Figure 1. AP...

Holt-Oram Syndrome
Bilateral Upper Extremity Defects • Xray of the Week A one-day old infant presents with bilateral upper extremity defects. What is the...

Ameloblastoma of the Mandible
Enlarging Left Mandibular Mass • Xray of the Week A 30 year old female presented with rapidly increasing left mandibular swelling over...

Painful Os Peroneum Syndrome (POPS)
Acute Onset Lateral Foot Pain • Xray of the Week 63 y.o. male presented with 1 hour of aching pain on the lateral aspect of the right...