
Tibialis Anterior Tendon Tear
Forced plantar flexion on an extended foot. Anterior ankle pain and weakness • Xray of the Week What is the diagnosis? Figure 1. What is...

Phillip Tirman: Semifinalist candidate for 2018 Minnie- Most Effective Radiology Educator
GLOBAL RADIOLOGY CME, congratulates Dr. Phillip Tirman, Medical Director of Musculoskeletal Imaging at Renaissance Imaging and...

Tear of the Flexor Pulley of the Finger
A 47-year-old status post rock climbing injury of his finger. Now has deformity of the palmar aspect of the finger with flexion. What is...

Turf Toe
First toe pain in a professional football player • Xray of the Week First toe pain in a 30 y/o professional football player. What is the...

Baxter Neuropathy with Chronic Plantar Fasciosis
Chronic Heel Pain in 60F • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #48 This 60 year old female has chronic heel pain and lateral heel numbness. What...

Lower Subscapular Muscle Denervation
Right Shoulder Pain in Throwing Athlete • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #47 This 21 year old college baseball catcher had decreased...

Avulsion Fracture of the Medial Head of the Gastrocnemius Muscle
Pain in Medial Knee • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #43 This 14 year old bent over while showering and felt sudden “pop” with pain in the...

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
Flat Foot and Pain with Walking • Xray of the Week 2016 • Week #41 56 y/o female with chronic anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) tear,...

Schwannoma of Right Thigh
Enlarging Painless Right Upper Thigh Mass • Xray of the Week This 26 y/o male presented with a right upper inner thigh mass for over a...

Synovial Hemangioma of the Knee
44 y/o Female with intermittent knee pain and swelling for several years • Xray of the Week Figure 1.a. T1 weighted sagittal image...