
Lateral Subtalar Joint Dislocation
26 M jumped to catch a baseball and landed while rotating to the right. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week

Lisfranc Fracture Dislocation
34 M. Trauma due to falling off a roof. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Trauma due to falling off a roof. Diagnosis? Figure 2....

Ruptured Globe
59 yo male who was assaulted and sustained blunt trauma to the left orbit. • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings...

Chalk Stick Fracture in Ankylosing Spondylitis
79 year old male. Back pain and lower extremity weakness after a fall • Xray of the Week Figure 1.What are the important findings in each...

Type 3 Cuboid Fracture
8 yo F with trauma. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Trauma in a 8 year old female. Diagnosis? Figure 2. Cuboid Bone Fracture....

Lens Subluxation
59-year-old male with trauma. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings? Figure 2. A: Sagittal CT image...

Plastic Bowing Fracture Ulna
8 Year Old Male With Trauma Due To A Fall. Diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What is the important finding? Figure 2 A: AP view...

Chance fracture
Trauma in a 31 yo F due to a motor vehicle collision (MVC) • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What are the important findings on this CT scan....

Lens Dislocation
A 67 year old female with trauma due to a motor vehicle collision. What is the diagnosis? • Xray of the Week Figure 1. Brain CT. What is...

Type 2 Jefferson Fracture with Vertebral Dissection
81 F with trauma due to falling down stairs. Neck pain • Xray of the Week Figure 1. What is the important finding on this CT scan and...