"Embrace the power of disruption to maintain your professional cutting edge."
Advanced Skeletal Imaging Partners
Dr. Simon Blease trained in radiology in London and Bristol on secondment from the Royal Air Force, finishing his service career as the Director of Radiology at RAF Hospital Wroughton. During his time in the RAF and in a short return to the NHS (96-99), Simon developed an expertise in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Musculoskeletal Imaging. He established the first MRI scanner in the British Military service in 1993 and was project leader for a new MRI and CT Centre in the NHS Wales.
In 1999 he joined MedTel International to become the UK's first full-time teleradiologist. He has developed and maintained strong clinical links by serving as Honorary Musculoskeletal Radiologist to The London Spine Clinic, The Bowskill Clinic, The Welsh Institute of Sport, BUPA Wellness and Back On Track. He is the ex-Honorary Secretary to the British Institute of Radiology, becoming a Fellow of the Institute and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 2012. He was a founding member of the UK Association of Doctors in Sport (UKADIS). He was made a Fellow of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (Ireland) in 2004 and is a Founding Fellow of the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (UK).
He was awarded a European Diploma in Musculoskeletal Imaging in 2010. He has maintained a UK and international profile through professional, lecturing and publishing activities that include:
Co-founding and editing the journal Clinical MRI (1991-1999),
Co-authoring the 3rd Edition of internationally renowned textbook Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (Stoller) and Diagnostic Imaging: Orthopaedics (Stoller/Tirman),
Lecturing at international meetings in Las Vegas, Chicago, Cyprus, Crete, Malta and mainland Europe.
Serving as President of the Magnetic Resonance Radiologists Association (UK)
Lecturing and teaching on UK sports medicine initiatives at Lillieshall, University of Bath and Edinburgh
Simon has worked in independent practise since 2012 and in 2013 was appointed Clinical Director of the Centre for Advanced Musculoskeletal Imaging delivering high quality imaging support to the medical community in central London. He remains passionate about the integration of new technology to push forward the boundaries of musculoskeletal and spinal medicine.