Life in Israel
Updated: Oct 11, 2022
Travelling in Israel is safe and fun, with so many sights to see and a vast array of activities to do. We just returned from a wonderful visit to Tel Aviv putting together the final details for our Imaging in Israel - 2017 conference. It was our third business trip to Israel in the past 12 months.

Parade in Tel Aviv June 2015-Photo by Kevin Rice
When we were not busy checking out venues or meeting with vendors we found time to enjoy the sight, sounds, and tastes of Tel Aviv. We walked along the seaside promenade, enjoyed lunch at sidewalk cafes, and sipped wine on the beach as we watched the sun set over the glistening Mediterranean. The beaches were packed and people were out walking at all hours of the day and night - that's summer in Tel Aviv! We took the above picture from a parade last June where 200,000 people came to the city from all over Europe and the Mideast to celebrate diversity. The parade traveled right along the beach and in front of the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel where the Imaging in Israel - 2017 conference will be located.

Watching the Sunset at Banana Beach in Tel Aviv - Photo by Kevin Rice
Some people have asked us if we feel safe in Israel. Our answer is a resounding YES. We live in an age where incidents happen all over the globe. Israel is actually one of the safest countries in the world and the crime rate is far lower in Israel than the US in almost every category.(1)

Enjoying the Beach in Tel Aviv - Photo by Kevin Rice
Israel is full of security experts; Israeli security techniques and personnel are used as a formidable resource around the world. In fact, there is Israeli security on some of the world's most popular cruise lines. A recent article by CNN described Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport as one of the safest in the world.(2) A blog post by Becki Enright, a British Press award winning travel writer says "for those of you wondering if Tel Aviv is a safe city to travel in, it absolutely is. I never once felt threatened or vulnerable to issues surrounding the current conflict – don’t believe the hype!"(3)
The above is a video of tourists, asked if they were afraid to come to Israel. Some were and some were not. See what they have to say once they got to Israel.

Feeding a Kangaroo at Gan Garoo - Photo by Natalie Rice
There are so many exciting things to do in Israel. Beyond the major historic sites like Masada and the Old City of Jerusalem, we found a unique experience. We got a taste of Australia, by visiting Gan Garoo - Australian Park in the north of Israel where you can pet kangaroos. The tame kangaroos will even eat directly from your hand!

Lunch on the Beach in Tel Aviv - Photo by Nathan Rice
Every time we go to Israel we do something new and interesting. We hope you will join us in Tel Aviv in June 2017 for Imaging in Israel.
-Natalie and Kevin Rice
1. Crime stats - Israel vs USA:
2. CNN: Tel Aviv Airport:
3. Travel Blog: