Dr. Neil Rofsky Semifinalist for 2019 Aunt Minnie.com Most Effective Radiology Educator

Global Radiology CME congratulates Dr. Neil Rofsky, MD Scientific Program Director for Global Radiology CME' Imaging in Ireland 2020, for being named an Aunt Minnie semifinalist candidate, in the category of "Most Effective Radiology Educator". The Minnies are a "campaign to recognize the best and brightest in medical imaging". Join Global Rads from around the world and learn from our award winning faculty best described as the luminaries of radiology: Elizabeth Morris, Blake Johnson, Donald Resnick, Neil Rofsky, and Phillip Tirman at Imaging in Dublin 2020 June 7-10, 2020 at the Westin Hotel in Dublin, Ireland. Immerse yourself in academic excellence and network with radiologists from around the world in a city rich in history, rugged beauty, and friendly people on the Emerald Island.
Neil Rofsky, MD, MHA, FSCBTMR, FISMRM, FACR, is Professor and Chair of UT Southwestern’s Department of Radiology and holder of the Effie and Wofford Cain Distinguished Chair in Diagnostic Imaging. Dr. Rofsky also serves as Director of Translational Research for the Advanced Imaging Research Center (AIRC), a collaboration of UT Southwestern and the University of Texas at Dallas.
Semifinalists for AuntMinnie.com's 2019 Most Effective Radiology Educator: Dr. Jenny Bencardino, University of Pennsylvania Dr. Sanjeev Bhalla, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Dr. Michael Callahan, Boston Children's Hospital Dr. Soonmee Cha, University of California, San Francisco Dr. Carl Fuhrman, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Wende Gibbs, University of Southern California Dr. Darel Heitkamp, Adventist Health System Danny Hughes, PhD, American College of Radiology Dr. Emanuel Kanal, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Faisal Khosa, University of British Columbia Dr. Petra Lewis, Dartmouth College Dr. Frank Lexa, Radiology Leadership Institute Dr. William Masch, University of Michigan Dr. Christine Menias, Mayo Clinic Arizona Dr. Tan-Lucien Mohammed, University of Florida Dr. Gregory Nicola, Hackensack Radiology Group Dr. Ryan Peterson, Emory University Dr. Neil Rofsky, University of Texas Southwestern Dr. Sumer Sethi, Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences Dr. Scott A. Simpson, University of Pennsylvania Dr. Zhonghua Sun, PhD, Curtin University Dr. Scott Williams, Advanced Radiology Consultants Dr. Sanjay Yadav, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute Dr. Mary Yamashita, University of Southern California
Logo courtesy of Brian Casey, Editor in chief of AuntMinnie.com